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Christmas Food Donation Drive

The company I work for hosts a food drive every year. To incentivize the staff, each community gets $25 to decorate their Christmas scene for the food donation site. They also provide rewards 1st - 3rd prizes to the winners of the most creative. Of course, the winners don't get anything lavish, but it keeps things fun. I love to create, so this challenge was exciting for me!

Where do you find crafty things for cheap? Only the Dollar Tree, even if their prices went up! Still, at $1.25, it's the only bargain around. At dollar tree, I found four large foam poster boards that I glued together vertically to make the Christmas tree. I also found two strands of golden garland with presents attached that I glued on the tree after it was cut out and painted.

My husband was doing a renovation and had a large box the toilet came in that I could paint to be the brick fireplace that the stockings would hang on. After painting the box and staggering the bricks, I glued on three stockings that I had also purchased at Dollar Tree. I realized this scene wouldn't make sense without presents! So I wrapped a bunch of empty boxes in different colored wrapping paper with the help of my son Maverick and set them around the brick fireplace. I finished the scene with a few remainder embellishments, six golden deer, two bows, and my son Maverick made the golden star! Viola, a beautiful Christmas scene on a budget!

Dollar Tree receipt - $22.66

I am excited this company wants to help people in need. I am also happy to choose the organization to receive the donation. Hopefully, this year we will get a large amount of food to share with the community and be a blessing!

John 3: 17-18 NLT

17 If someone has enough money to live well and sees a brother or sister[a] in need but shows no compassion—how can God’s love be in that person?

18 Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.


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