It is so important to know who you are and who your friends are. That way, you can run your race without intermingling with somebody else's. Also, to know the people you have around you. Do they lift you up? Are they honest? Over the last few months, I had some interactions that were less than favorable. Whereas, like in children, behavior in adults was poor and needed correcting. Yet who can tell people when they are not open to hearing it or may get hostile or agitated? These types of people don't want change or growth. They want what they want.
Honestly, I make a million mistakes, and some I wish no one would ever know. I am far from perfect, but I realize I need good people to help me. I can easily get caught in my head, justifying my lousy behavior when my feelings are strong. Add some company who will agree with me to fuel the fire! That makes for a poor ending! Out of the heart, the mouth speaks, and if I am mulling over something for days and days with support from others, that festers, and so will the behavior. Until it spills out, and I hurt someone by poor judgement
Are you angry, hurt, or bitter about something? Could your behavior be in a way that is not positive and need correcting? Who could you talk to, to get your heart right? James 1:19 Understand this, brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. It's comforting to know that we can lay our burdens at the feet of Jesus! Some things are deep and take time to peel back for restoration in our behavior.
The person I am, I want people around me who will be honest and call me out when I am wrong, not in a negative way but in a way that will enact action to pivot and move from unwanted behavior. I want people who lift each other, teach each other and hold each other accountable. I don't want a "yes friend" or "your right" friend. I want growth as a person, a Christian, a wife, a mother, and in my profession. I want honest friends.
With all of that in mind, I know who I am, I know what I want and what I want to be surrounded by. The great thing about life is I get to choose. I pray, seek God, then I move. Just that simple. So who are you? Who are you surrounded by? Can you make any positive changes today toward growth? Pray and seek God, and he will direct your paths!